Practical Pharmaceutical Supply Management: LMIC Focus

Pharmaceutical Supply Mastery: | From Procurement to Efficient Distribution

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Practical Pharmaceutical Supply Management: LMIC Focus

What You Will Learn!

  • Understand the pharmaceutical industry
  • Pharmaceutical and healthcare needs in low and middle income countries
  • Detailled insight in all steps of the supply cycle (e.g. Specification, Quantification, Procurement, Storage, Use)
  • How to forecast/quantify medicines and health products
  • Procurement
  • Warehousing and distribution logistics
  • Rational use of medicines



I'm Ron Wehrens, a pharmacist from The Netherlands. My professional journey spans more than three decades, during which I've been deeply involved in the world of pharmaceutical and medical supply management. What makes my experience unique is a focused commitment: I've dedicated myself exclusively to enhancing pharmaceutical supply for the public sector and humanitarian projects in low and middle-income countries.

Across > 40 countries (Mostly in Africa, Asia and Eastern Europe), I've undertaken > 190 consultancy missions that have given me a direct understanding of the fundamental barriers many encounter: limited resources, lack of reliable data, the pressing need for proper staff training and motivation, and the complex requirements imposed by donors.

Hands on tasks I have handled included running a pharmaceutical warehouse in Uganda, setting up antiretroviral reporting and replenishing systems in Vietnam, conducting tailored trainings on managing HIV or Tuberculosis supplies in remote corners like Mongolia and Tajikistan.

I have also done procurement auditing (which often revealed significant instances of fraud and corruption). Beyond that, I've operated at higher strategic levels, consulting for the World Health Organization (WHO) and international humanitarian organizations. I've also served as an advisor to national ministries of Health, contributing to the entire process from planning and budgeting to the delivery of medical supplies.

So, why share this with you? Because these experiences—they're the bedrock of this course. Together, we'll explore these experiences, drawing from real-world involvement. At the heart of this course is a practical approach to supply management, where product availability, calculated quantities, thoughtful budgets, transparent procurement, and vigilant storage and distribution are key. This framework is what we'll build together.

This course is not only valuable for professionals in middle and low-income countries. The concepts and principles we'll delve into have a universal essence. They are relevant to those in high-income countries seeking to improve supply management strategies or even individuals dealing with non-pharmaceutical supply management. After all, the core principles often remain remarkably similar across different contexts.

My dedication is to empower all who aspire to make a difference. Many of you deserve to attend comprehensive international logistics courses, but constraints such as time and finances often make that difficult. This is where this concise yet impactful 4-hour Udemy course comes in. It serves as a bridge, offering swift and effective retraining, igniting motivation, and enabling those eager to drive positive change in various aspects of pharmaceutical supply.

Our mission is clear: to enhance access to essential medicines and make a tangible difference in real lives.


Who Should Attend!

  • Anyone interested in improving access to medicines and health products in low and middle income countries



  • Inventory Management
  • Procurement
  • Supply Chain
  • Pharmaceutical Industry






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