Phishing and How to Avoid it

A constant threat

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Phishing and How to Avoid it

What You Will Learn!

  • What are engineering and phishing
  • Types of phishing attacks
  • Recognize a phishing email
  • Consequences of an attack
  • How to defend yourself


When surfing the web, it is quite easy to become a target for cybercriminals. Therefore, it is important to be aware of the dangers you may face and how to recognize possible attacks. What motivates a criminal to carry out a phishing attack is the possibility of obtaining money from the victim, or the possibility of obtaining strictly personal data that can possibly be converted into money.

The risks from this type of attack are many and do not always affect a single user, but are also aimed at larger targets, such as an entire company.

The first step in avoiding this type of attack is undoubtedly knowledge. This is, at least in part, the first barrier against criminals. Nowadays, attackers are constantly refining their strategies, making the life of the average user more difficult, as it is difficult to distinguish legitimate emails from phishing emails. Obviously, it is impossible to trust the security of a device, a network or a company to the individual knowledge of its users, which is why software systems and services that can be integrated as additional protection are analyzed and constantly updated.

What you will learn:

· What are engineering and phishing.

· Types of phishing attacks.

· Consequences of an attack.

· Recognizing a phishing e-mail.

· How to defend yourself.

Are there any requirements or prerequisites for the course?

· Basic knowledge of communication tools

· Basic knowledge of business and infrastructure contexts

Who this course is aimed at:

· Beginners, interested in learning more about the dynamics of safeguarding against phishing attacks in order to protect themselves.

Who Should Attend!

  • Beginners, interested in learning more about the dynamics of safeguarding against phishing attacks in order to protect themselves




