Piano Embellishments | Fills, Runs, & Scales

Sound like a PRO on Piano or Keyboard | Transform your piano chords to sound amazing in Pop, Rock, blues, Gospel, Jazz..

Ratings 4.69 / 5.00
Piano Embellishments | Fills, Runs, & Scales

What You Will Learn!

  • Embellishments for Piano Chord Progressions
  • Piano Runs to improve your sound
  • Piano Fills for all Major and Minor Chords
  • Major Scales and Their Applications
  • Natural Minor Scales and Their Applications
  • The Chromatic Scale and Its Applications


This course teaches you simple but amazing embellishments that work over most chord progressions. If you are looking for fills, runs, and melodic lines that will make you sound like a Pro, then this is the right course for you.

The course is straightforward and seeks to expose you to several ideas to help you embellish your chord progressions. The concepts are broken down to make them easily understood.

Imagine being able to play all your favorite songs with extra embellishments to spice up the sound without the need to read sheet music? Now you can easily achieve this within weeks not years and without wasting money, time, and effort on traditional Piano Lessons.

You will at least need to know Major and Minor Chords before taking this course. Absolute beginners should take the first few lessons of my absolute beginner course [The Ultimate Play Piano By Ear Course | Easy Piano Lessons] before proceeding to this course.

High-Definition Videos and Digital Piano Display

With an overhead camera and light-activated piano roll, you can easily see what fingers are used as well as the exact notes that are being played.

The knowledge obtained from this course can be applied to other genres of music like Pop, Ballad style, Blues, Jazz, Gospel, etc as you are equipped with the knowledge to create your own music.

The course is divided into 9 easy to follow sections:

  1. Grace Notes and Trills

  2. Borrowing Notes from the Preceding Chord

  3. Targetting the 3rd

  4. Fast Trill Embellishments

  5. Melodic Fills

  6. Major, Minor & Chromatic Scales

  7. Runs and Harmonic Fills

Who Should Attend!

  • Beginner Pianists and Keyboardists
  • Keyboardists looking for simple but amazing fills to spice up their sound
  • Intermediate Pianists & Keyboardists looking for nice fills to sound like the Pros



  • Keyboard Instrument
  • Piano
  • Piano Chords
  • Gospel Piano






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