Portrait Drawing in Black and White for Beginners

Proportions of head and face, drawing features, drawing portraits in different perspectives and media

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Portrait Drawing in Black and White for Beginners

What You Will Learn!

  • Students will learn how to draw the proportions of the head in different perspectives
  • Students will learn how to draw features of the face in different perspectives
  • Students will complete portrait drawings with shading
  • Students will complete portrait drawings in different media


Students will learn the basics of portrait drawing.  Students will learn how to draw the proportions of the human head, (and where to place features), by sketching.  Students will draw the portrait in frontal, profile, and three-quarters perspectives.  Students will learn how to draw each feature (eyes, noses, mouths, and ears) of the face in detail, and in different perspectives- frontal, profile, and three-quarters.  Students will then create a series of portrait drawings.  Students will create a portrait drawing on black paper with white charcoal pencils, and black, white, and gray chalk pastels.  Students will add the light and medium values, and leave the black paper as the dark value.  Students will create a portrait drawing on gray paper with black and white charcoal pencils, and black, white, and gray chalk pastels.  Students will add the light and dark values and leave the gray paper as the middle value.  Students will create a portrait on white paper with black, white, and gray colored pencils.  Students will add the medium and dark values, and leave the white paper as the light value.  Students will create a portrait drawing in pen and ink.  Students will block in the light and dark values in ink wash.  Students will add detail with pen- line and possible charcoal pencils, colored pencils and chalk pastels. 

Who Should Attend!

  • Beginning students that want to learn how to draw portraits




