Practical React Native Guide with Hooks & Projects

Become a Professional React Native Developer and make amazing projects which will enhance your resume.

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Practical React Native Guide with Hooks & Projects

What You Will Learn!

  • Develop cross-platform (iOS and Android) mobile apps without knowing Swift, ObjectiveC or Java/ Android
  • Learn to build reactive, performant, large scale applications like a senior mobile app developer
  • Master the latest ecosystem of a React Native Developer from scratch
  • Learn how to easily use React to build responsive apps
  • Integrate React Native with APIs
  • Routing with React Navigation
  • Make truly reusable components that look great
  • React Hooks


Welcome to the best online resource for learning React! This course is brand new and covers the latest in React. This is the most polished React Native course online, and it's the only course that is based on the REAL boot camp curriculum that has been tried and tested in various classrooms.

This course builds up concepts one at a time, cementing each new topic with an expertly designed exercise or project to test your knowledge. It includes a huge variety of beautiful exercises, projects, and games that we create together from scratch. The course culminates in one huge capstone project.

We'll start by mastering the fundamentals of React, including JSX, props, state, and event handling. Source code is provided for each lecture, so you will always stay up-to-date with the course pacing. Special attention has been paid to creating reusable components that you'll be able to make use of on your fantastic projects. React Native is an excellent solution for developing apps on mobile in a fraction of the time it takes to make an equivalent iOS or Swift app. You'll love seeing your changes instantly appear on your device, rather than waiting for Swift/Java code to recompile! This quick feedback loop, along with excellent cross-platform support, is what has catapulted React Native to the top must-have skill for Javascript engineers.

Who Should Attend!

  • This course is for anyone looking to start their journey with React Native
  • Anyone brand new to React or front-end frameworks in general
  • Web developers who want to get into the mobile development industry
  • Students who want to gain experience working on scalable large cross platform applications



  • React Native
  • React Hooks
  • React Navigation






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