How to get Enlightenment from a un-Enlightened vision

Christian, Buddhist ideas of Enlightenment

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How to get Enlightenment from a un-Enlightened vision

What You Will Learn!

  • How to be happy and content
  • How to be a hero in life
  • How to be a great disaster
  • How to be a success


People who want to be successful and reach the peak of their evolution will consider Enlightenment as one of their goal posts.

If you are enlightened materially, which means you have lot of wealth, finances, businesses, You may still have some loss of words when it comes fulfilment in Life.

Even when You are spiritually enlightened, which means your mind has reached the peak of it's evolution, but lacks in material aspects of life, you will be in loss of words !

Meditations, Yoga have been prescribed to get treated for not getting enlightened in the world, Right ?

Yes, you will be taught yet again another meditation if you want it to be, but it is not necessary as I understand.

Someone said, it is better to be in a battle field than become a celibate, don't take literally, otherwise you will get hurt.

Do you need to sexually active after being enlightened, Does celibacy is the way to get enlightened.

Who is a bigger person ? Elon musk who is materially rich or Dalai Lama who is spiritually okay.

Does spirituality and materialism co-exist today ?

This much big course description does not make sense even, unless you enrol in this stupid course

Who Should Attend!

  • Those who are on a spiritual journey in their life
  • Those who want to be famous




