Pregnancy Yoga series

Pregnancy Yoga | All Trimesters

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Pregnancy Yoga series

What You Will Learn!

  • Students will learn how to look after their bodies, have fun and relax during pregnancy.
  • Expect to relax and reduce stress levels throughout your pregnancy journey.
  • Gain strength, confidence and ease throughout your journey.
  • Learn breathing techniques and movement for pain relief. Reduce fatigue during pregnancy.
  • Connect to your baby and yourself during this special time.


This Pregnancy Yoga Series with Vicky will keep you calm, flexible and strong throughout your pregnancy and prepare you for birth. All classes are safe to practice throughout your entire pregnancy. Expect to connect to your body on a deeper level and become confident to give birth. Each class includes breath work and guided rest as well as asanas (postures) to help keep your body in shape and supple to relieve general aches and growing pains.

Due to the extra relaxin in your body please listen in and avoid over stretching and if you feel pain during at any time please take rest and feel free to ask questions for alternatives. There is one class dedicated to stabilising your body which can help avoid injury during this wonderful and important transition in your life.  This is filmed during my second pregnancy in second trimester and I will offer a postnatal recovery course next year once I have given birth so that I can help boost your recovery. Please feel free to ask questions throughout the series and most of all enjoy this special time of your life.

Expect to relax, have fun and enjoy practising Yoga with me throughout your pregnancy journey.

Much love,

Vicky x

Who Should Attend!

  • Most pregnant women will find this helpful during pregnancy.
  • Please always seek medical advice before taking part in case of Pubic symphysis or anything which may require you to modify the Yoga poses. Always listen in and take it as you can.




