The Complete Problem Solving Toolbox Course

A Step by Step Guide to Problem Solving High-Powered Problem Solving Tools

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The Complete Problem Solving Toolbox Course

What You Will Learn!

  • How to solve problems
  • Problem solving Tools
  • Problem Solving Strategies
  • How to combine problem solving tools
  • Root Cause Analysis
  • Create, monitor, and evaluate solutions to problems
  • Process Thinking
  • Pareto Charts
  • Value Stream Mapping
  • Process Mapping
  • Fault Tree Analysis
  • Fishbone Diagram Analysis
  • Scatter Plots and Stratification Diagrams


Welcome! This engaging and practical course is designed to equip you with the essential skills and tools needed to tackle complex challenges, solve problems and find effective solutions. Throughout this course, we will explore various problem-solving techniques and methodologies, empowering you to become a skilled problem solver in any field.

Process Mapping: The course begins by introducing the concept of process mapping. You will learn how to visualize a process using process maps and identify areas of improvement. By understanding the flow of activities, inputs, and outputs, you will be able to streamline processes and eliminate unnecessary steps, leading to increased efficiency and productivity.

Fishbone diagrams: also known as cause-and-effect diagrams or Ishikawa diagrams, are another powerful tool covered in this course. They help you identify the root causes of a problem by visually mapping out potential factors across different categories. By analyzing the various causes, you can prioritize your efforts and address the underlying issues effectively.

Stratification Diagrams: Stratification diagrams are used to add another layer onto scatter diagrams to provide deeper insight and analysis into data. This tool allows you to analyze data based on different factors, categories, or criteria, helping you gain insights into the problem from different perspectives. By stratifying the data, you can identify patterns or trends that might not be apparent otherwise.

Pareto Charts: Pareto charting is yet another technique we will explore. This graphical tool enables you to prioritize problems or causes by displaying them in descending order of frequency or impact. Using the 80-20 Pareto Principle, you will learn to focus on the vital few rather than the trivial many, and allocate your resources and efforts efficiently, maximizing the impact of your problem-solving endeavors.

Fault Tree Analysis: This course also covers Fault Tree Analysis (FTA), a powerful method for identifying and analyzing potential failures in complex systems. FTA allows you to systematically examine components, events, and conditions in a system that can lead to a particular type of failure. By constructing a fault tree, which helps you visualize relationships between factors, you can trace back to the root causes of a failure and understand how to mitigate risks or ensure failures don't repeat themselves.  Through FTA, you will develop a deep understanding of the vulnerabilities and weak points within a system, enabling you to implement preventive measures and mitigate risks effectively.

5 Whys: Throughout the course, we will also cover other problem-solving techniques such as the 5 Whys. The 5 Whys technique encourages you to ask "why" repeatedly to dig deeper into the underlying causes of a problem. By identifying the root cause, you can implement more effective solutions, which are usually more impactful and less expensive to implement.

Finally, we delve into the Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) cycle, also known as the Deming Cycle. This iterative problem-solving approach helps you develop a systematic and structured method to address issues and pilot potential solutions with minimal risk. You will learn how to plan your actions, implement them, evaluate the outcomes, and make necessary adjustments, ensuring continuous improvement and sustainable results.

In this course, we prioritize hands-on learning and practical application. You will have ample opportunities to work on case studies to reinforce your problem-solving skills.

By the end of this course, you will be equipped with a comprehensive toolkit of problem-solving techniques and methodologies. You will possess the confidence and skills to analyze complex problems, identify root causes, and develop effective solutions. Whether you're a business professional, a manager, an engineer, or anyone seeking to improve their problem-solving abilities, this course will empower you to overcome challenges and drive positive change in any domain.

Join in on this exciting problem-solving journey and unlock your full potential as a skilled and innovative problem solver. Enroll today and embark on a transformative learning experience that will equip you with invaluable problem-solving skills for a lifetime.

Who Should Attend!

  • Problem Solvers
  • Project Managers
  • Departmental Directors
  • Customer Experience Specialists
  • Engineers
  • Everybody
  • Plant Managers
  • Operations Managers




