Product Management - Getting Product Strategy Right 2024

How to build, communicate, and execute a cohesive product strategy

Ratings 4.61 / 5.00
Product Management - Getting Product Strategy Right 2024

What You Will Learn!

  • The 3 key goals of product strategy
  • How business strategy shapes product strategy
  • The 3 types of customer needs that your product should address
  • A proven technique for identifying & engaging stakeholders for buy-in and support
  • Approaches for setting goals as a team, and get everyone rowing in the same direction
  • How to validate ideas quickly using the right MVP experiments
  • How to build and socialise Agile product roadmaps.


== As of March 2024 ==

Students reported improved confidence to…

To create a winning product strategy—> +163%

Get stakeholder buy-in and support —> +137%

Execute effectively on your strategy—> +151%

== Welcome to Getting Product Strategy Right ==

Product success starts with making the right strategic decisions. But the challenge for many product teams is that they are often so preoccupied with the tactics that they no longer see the forest for the trees.

This course will help you proactively create a winning product strategy and an actionable product roadmap using a wide range of proven tools and techniques.

As you consider my course, I suggest asking yourself these questions.

== What will I get from this course ==

In this course, you’ll learn:

1. How business strategy shapes product strategy

2. The 3 types of customer needs that your product should address

3. A proven technique for identifying & engaging stakeholders for buy-in and support

4. Approaches for setting goals as a team, and getting everyone rowing in the same direction

5. How to validate ideas quickly using the right MVP experiments

6. How to build and socialize Agile product roadmaps.

== Why learn Product Strategy? ==

Demand for the “Strategic” Product Manager is growing rapidly. In fact, LinkedIn ranks “Strategy Product Manager" as one of the most promising jobs, with 29% year-over-year growth. More and more companies are finally figuring out how important this discipline and this role are to their success.

But Product Management practices are also widely misunderstood, with most product initiatives failing to launch. And of those that do launch, only a fraction delivers value to the intended customers. In a field where so many teams follow counter-productive practices, copying others won't work.

== What if I want a refund? ==

If after taking the course, you want a refund, thats totally ok. I want you to be happy with your decision to purchase this course.

This course has a 30-day money-back guarantee policy!

No questions asked!

There is no risk for you!

What are you waiting for?

Join now and take a step further into levelling up your Product Strategy skills and uplift your career!

==What are students saying? ==

Here is a small preview of what my students have reported.

Raj explains concepts clearly and I love the animations and notes that support the concepts. Super easy to understand and fun to watch. This course has totally captured my attention and I'm learning so much. [Courney LeGates - Director of Program at Code Nation]

The insights about the three types of customers needs is quite exciting and i am very interested in learning more especially on The Power Interest Grid. [Jiangfeng Li - Marketing at Alibaba]

I love how clearly and concisely the concepts are delivered [Ken Kubota - Founder at Life2us]

Concise and meaningful- connects the dots within a complex field [Kristin Miltner-Zubryzycki - Product Manager at Emergen]

I like that there are great examples and templates that I can use in my day to day to implement what I've learnt in my role. Very practical, and helped me as a PM better understand how to work with product marketing. [Aldair Borges - Product Manager at Mews]

REMEMBER… I'm so confident that you'll love this course that we're offering a FULL money-back guarantee for 30 days! So it's a complete no-brainer, sign up today with ZERO risk and EVERYTHING to gain.

So what are you waiting for? Click the buy now button and join the world's most complete course on Product Strategy.

Who Should Attend!

  • Product management professionals
  • Entrepreneurs and small business owners
  • Business Analysts
  • Product Marketing Managers
  • Data Analysts
  • Engineers and developers
  • Operations Managers
  • Designers
  • People interested in transitioning to the tech industry



  • Product Management






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