Project Management - How to run a home renovation

Learn the key aspects of how to run a home renovation project.

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Project Management - How to run a home renovation

What You Will Learn!

  • Building inspectors
  • Collecting general design ideas
  • Selection of the General Contractor, Where to look
  • Selection of the General Contractor, Questions to ask
  • Permits
  • Designer and/or Architect discussion
  • Scope of work
  • Budgets
  • Schedule
  • Execution and Control


This course is a result of 25 years of consulting project and portfolio management experience, including managing all aspects of construction and renovations projects. We will start this course with a discussion of the value of building inspectors and how they can unearth potential problems in your home.

Also, we will cover the topic of generating and collecting various design ideas and creation of the design library to be shared at a later time with your interior designer and/or architect. We will then focus on the topic of General Contractors, including their responsibilities, as well as their selection and interviewing process.

We will touch briefly on the subject of building and renovations permits, outlining their general process. However, we will not spend too much time on this topic due to the fact that the rules and regulation differ considerably from depending on the country, state, province and even the specific municipality.

We will then delve into a very important designer/architect discussion and importance of involvement of these professionals into any significant renovations project. I will also share some of the little-known design rules that will potentially make or break any renovations project.

Then we will focus on the creation of the Scope of Work for the General Contractor as well as the creation of budgets with contingencies.

Finally, we will discuss renovation project schedules, the execution process and how to control reno projects.

Each section of this course will be concluded with a real-life examples of project artefacts including building inspection reports, design ideas samples, scope of work and the budget.

Who Should Attend!

  • You are considering embarking on a home renovations project
  • You have little or no construction experience
  • You have little or no project management experience
  • You have some project management experience, but no construction experience




