You may feel you have nothing to hide, but you definitely have something to protect.
Learn how to safeguard your personal information from info-scrapping websites, online stalkers, and internet scammers. The skills taught in this course will be useful both online and off. Increasing your awareness of your digital vulnerabilities is the first step to protecting yourself and your family while online as well as being able to apply these lessons to your offline life.
All the lectures are supported with downloadable worksheets and all suggested apps or programs are what is currently on your devices or have free options.
Securing Your Computer
In section one, we’ll be covering four areas for locking down your computer. Each one will be preceded by the level of difficulty and time needed to complete so that you can plan efficiently.
Protecting Data in Motion
Some of the things we'll cover in section two are password management, creating strong online credentials, establishing a secure email account, and simplifying two-factor authentication.
Mobile Communications
Section three is all about securing your mobile devices and establishing secure communications. This includes encrypted texts, calls, video chat, and file sharing.
Bonus Section
In the final section is where you'll clean up your digital clutter, learn about secure payment options, and share your new knowledge with friends, family, and co-workers.