Prove YOU in the Interview

How to Deliver Clear, Concise, & CONVINCING Interview Answers

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Prove YOU in the Interview

What You Will Learn!

  • Learn a 3 step structure to make your interview answers clear, concise, and convincing /impactful
  • Identify 3 (or more) "example" stories you can use to illustrate your top skills in job interviews
  • Learn how to tell your example stories with the most important details that will impress employers
  • Identify what "behavioral interviewing" is (why it's used, and how to recognize, and answer, these types of questions effectively)
  • Gain insight into key tips to make a positive impression in an interview that can make you stand out from other applicants



  • You get really nervous and don’t know what to say, or

  • You feel like you say too much and ramble on, and/or, not enough/you freeze, clam up because you don't know WHAT to say...

  • Certain questions ALWAYS trip you up, or you never know if what you say is what an employer is looking for

You'll learn a clear, concise, 3 step simple structure to use to guide your interview answers – this structure will give YOU confidence, and, will deliver your answer in an impactful, memorable way!


>>How to communicate & show your value to an employers (without sounding like you’re bragging)

>>How to structure an answer clearly and concisely in 3 simple steps! (including intro and transition phrases you can use and still sound natural!)

>>How to tell example stories that ILLUSTRATE (PROVE) your skills and experience (SHOW vs tell)

>>The most asked questions about interviewing (directly from decades of experience with my job search clients)

+ 50 Behavioral Interview Question examples!

I teach Behavioral Interviewing strategy (sometimes called Structural Interviewing) and a system/structure to follow for clear, concise answers that demonstrate your skills and qualifications called “STAR” or “SAO”.

You learn how to ‘PROVE YOU’ (your skills /experience/qualifications = your value) in the interview!

Who Should Attend!

  • Job seekers that get nervous, anxious or otherwise uncomfortable or unsure what to say or how to answer interview questions well
  • Job seekers that do get interviews, BUT, **not job offers** - your answers may not be clear, convincing or your value communicated well enough in some way
  • Experienced or not, any job seeker that wants to learn a simply formula to guide their interview answers so they don't get lost/ramble or not say enough
  • Early career with little to no interview expeirence, or experienced professionals who haven't interviewed in awhile, or, any job seeker looking to interview better, and with more confidence!




