The mission of Python-1100 is to provide you with a faster way to start enjoying the many benefits of using the Python programming language. From using Python's core modules, collections, objects, and built-in functions in this lesson plan you will master concepts such as lambdas, sorting, enumerations, slicing, f-strings, comprehensions, reporting, and testing. If you are a DevOps professional learning how to use the techniques described in this training - also known as functional Python - this is all you might need to know.
In as much as the Python standard is presently changing several times a year, the next mission of this Python 1100 course is to provide students with an on-line resource dedicated to keeping track of the latest programming features. Updates will be free!
In keeping with that second mission, this educational opportunity covers Python's many recently added features & updates up to and including Python's new "walrus operator" as well as the "match case" keyword set.
By creating first class functions, command-lines, regression tests, as well as enjoying many new cross-platform DevOps Demonstrations, in Python 1100 students will learn how to get the most out of modern Python as rapidly, as well as responsibly, as possible.
After completing Python 1100, you will enjoy practicing what they have learned by completing our Python Missions training. Pythoneers will enjoy either Python 1500 and / or Python 1501.
In addition to completing the Python 1500 and 1501 Missions, if you are interested in entering the professional world you will want to fine-tune your career by completing our Python 2000 - 9000 educational opportunities as time, interest, certification and / or occupational opportunities require.
p.s. If you have never programmed before then you should consider enrolling in Python 1000: The Python Primer as well.