Python applications - files, databases, web pages and GUIs

files, databases, web pages and graphical user interfaces (GUIs)

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Python applications - files, databases, web pages and GUIs

What You Will Learn!

  • What are files, how to create, move and delete them
  • How to read and write from files (including csv and pdf file formats)
  • How to create a database with sqlite3 and add a table with contents
  • How to create a web page with flask and parse it with beautiful soup
  • How to create graphical user interface (GUIs) with Tkinter (widgets and geometry managers)



My name is Alison.

I'm an analytical person with a science background, that has a passion for complex problem solving. I have a PhD in Science and I currently work as a Software Developer.

I'm here to teach you Maths, Chemistry, Physics and Programming.

I present my courses in a clear, logical and structured way. For every topic, I also include an example or exercise to make sure that it is clear and easy to understand.

Please send me your feedback and let me know if you have any comments, questions or suggestions. I may be able to prepare a course that interests you.

In this specific course we will learn about various applications using the Python language.


1) First, we will learn how to create, move and delete files with the pathlib module.


2) Afterwards, we will explain how to read and write from files

3) Next, we will talk about how we can read and write from a csv and pdf file                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     

4) Then we will discuss how to create a database using Sqlite3 and how we can insert a table that we can read from and write to using the Structured Query Language (SQL).

5) We will then talk about web scraping and parsing. We will create a web page using Flask with HyperText Markup Language (HTML) templates which we will then parse using Beautiful Soup to extract data of interest

6) Finally, we will learn how to create Graphical User Interfaces (GUIs) with Tkinter. We will look at a variety of GUI components (widgets) as well as how to lay them out within the GUI window (geometry managers).


I hope you enjoy this course, find it easy and learn a lot with me

Good luck and see you soon


Who Should Attend!

  • Python developers (from basic to advanced)
  • Someone who wants to learn Python (without programming experience)
  • Someone who knows another software development language and wants to learn Python




