Nine movements for health women:
First movement: general harmonisation of the body.
Second movement: breast massage.
Third movement: opening of the Conception Vessel meridian (Ren Mai).
Press point 17 VC.
Press all over the Conception Vessel meridian.
Massage of the Conception Vessel meridian.
Massage of the abdomen.
Lift the uterus.
V-shaped massage.
Dan Tian massage.
Massage of the sides.
Fourth movement: regulation of the waist meridian (Dai Mai).
Massage of the lumbo-sacral area.
Harmonisation of the waist meridian to the outside.
Harmonisation of the waist meridian to the inside.
Fifth movement: rotation of the Dan Tian like a full moon.
Sixth movement: flexibility of the spine.
Seventh movement: conduct the energy to harmonise between heaven and earth.
Eighth movement: stimulation of the Wushu (27 VB) and Fengshi (31 VB) points.
Ninth movement: spring comes to the garden.
FU NU GONG is a series of simple exercises specifically for women to help:
regulate the hormonal system,
balance the different stages of the hormonal cycle,
strengthen the genital tract,
prevent and relieve gynaecological disorders (premenstrual syndrome, menopausal disorders, cycle disturbances, infertility, breast disorders, etc.),
support the pregnancy
harmonize emotions,
overcome physical and psychological trauma,
stimulate creativity,
awaken sexual energy,
cultivate the feminine essence.