Quality Improvement Tools

Run Chart, Pareto and Aim Statement

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Quality Improvement Tools

What You Will Learn!

  • Run Chart - What is a Run Chart and when to use it?
  • Run Chart - Benefits of using Run Charts in problem solving
  • Run Chart - Steps to create a Run Chart
  • Run Chart - Interpreting Run Chart rules
  • Pareto - What is Pareto chart and Pareto principle?
  • Pareto - When to use Pareto chart and its key benefits?
  • Pareto - Limitations of Pareto
  • Pareto - Steps of Pareto Analysis
  • Aim Statement - How to write an AIM statement?
  • AIM Statement - What is an AIM statement?
  • AIM Statement - How to develop an effective aim statement?
  • AIM Statement - What is SMART aim statement?
  • AIM Statement - Examples of AIM statement


Run Chart

A run chart is a line graph of data plotted over time. By collecting and charting data over time, you can find trends or patterns in the process. Because they do not use control limits, run charts cannot tell you if a process is stable. However, they can show you how the process is running.

The learning module will cover the primary objective when and how to use a Run chart


Pareto analysis is a simple technique that helps you to focus efforts on the problems that offer the greatest potential for improvement by showing their relative frequency or size in a descending bar graph. The Pareto Principle is also known as the 80-20 rule and is a statistical technique that helps us focus on the problems that offer the greatest potential for improvement.

AIM Statement
Healthcare processes are very complex and improving them requires quite a bit of diligence. In order to improve, we must understand how and what contributes in achieving the AIM. An aim statement is written to document what you want to achieve from your improvement project and a timeframe for achieving it.

The learning module will cover the primary objective of writing an aim statement and how to write an effective statement to achieve your goals.

Who Should Attend!

  • Leadership Management
  • Quality and patient safety professionals
  • All staff undertaking any improvement projects



  • Quality Management
  • Seven Basic Tools of Quality






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