Join me on a sketching trip in beautiful, lively Guanajuato, Mexico! A travel sketchbook is a great way to capture a vacation, and it's a wonderful excuse to explore and observe when you're traveling. Whether you're an experienced artist or a beginner, this class will show you how to travel with art supplies and create quick sketches on the go.
We’re going to start with a simple building façade, and learn how to recognize familiar shapes and fit them together.
Building facades are a great place to start, because you don’t have to think about the rules of perspective just yet.
With a little simple measuring, you can get all the elements in place and have some fun with ink and watercolor.
Then we’ll zoom in and paint a charming, colorful old door, complete with peeling paint, ancient stones, and the other details that are so fun to capture in a sketchbook.
Finally, we’ll take a similar approach to a very basic landscape.
All three of these subjects have something in common: Once you’ve learned the basics of how to identify the big shapes, measure, and arrange them on the page, the rest comes pretty easily.
That’s why this is the best way to begin travel sketching.
And Guanajuato, Mexico is a beautiful place to start!