How To Quit Your Job - The Right Way

A 5-Step Plan to Ditching Your Day Job

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How To Quit Your Job - The Right Way

What You Will Learn!

  • Determine whether you really need to quit your job or negotiate improvements in your current situation
  • Conduct the necessary research to figure out your best career options
  • Craft and execute your exit plan
  • Quit Your Job and take the leap into a better life


Leave Your Soul-Sucking Job Once and For All! (But be smart about it.)

Get out of a job you hate (or just don’t love) and transition smoothly into a life with more freedom, money, and fulfillment. Learn how to:

  • Recognize your wake-up call

  • Craft your exit plan

  • Research your next career, and have fun doing it

  • Create your own dream job

  • Quit your old gig with confidence and class

“Oh, you hate your job? Why didn’t you say so? There’s a support group for that. It’s called EVERYBODY, and they meet at the bar.” ― George Carlin (also attributed to Drew Carey)

Sadly, this isn’t far from the truth: most people don’t like their jobs.

According to Gallup, 51% of people are not engaged at work. That means half of all working adults aren't happy in their so-so, vaguely tolerable job.

What’s even worse is that an additional 17% are actively disengaged, meaning they hate their jobs. We think these statistics are nothing short of tragic, and we want to help.

If you’re in either of these camps, but you’re ready to make a change, this course is for you. We’ll help you transition to a career where you can:

  • Be respected and valued for the work you do

  • Get paid what you’re worth

  • Use your natural talents for what you were meant to do

  • Have more flexibility, time, and freedom in your life

  • Help others and make a difference

Background and Overview

A few years back, a disgruntled flight attendant got on his plane’s public address system, shouted some profanities, and exclaimed: “I Quit!” He then grabbed two beers from the beverage cart, deployed the emergency evacuation slide, and dramatically exited the plane in style.

While it likely felt good in the moment and made a splash on social media, he faced a host of negative consequences including arrest and a $10,000 fine.

It was certainly a memorable way to quit his job, but if you’re looking for a more fulfilling career and life, it’s not the right way for you to do it.

With a simple-but-powerful five-step plan, and a collection of real-life stories of people who sought a better life by leaving an unsatisfying career, How To Quit Your Job provides everything you need to prepare for your grand exit.

Lessons are both educational and entertaining, and we put an emphasis on production value, so you’ll be engaged and delighted as you go through the course.  We’ve avoided giving you busy work while providing enough action steps and quizzes to help you make real progress.

We’ll get you out of the rut you’re in, help you focus on what you want to do, and lead you right up to quitting day. From there, you’ll be ready to fly.

Who Should Attend!

  • This course is for anyone who is unhappy in their current job and considering a change. The big idea is that if you want want more freedom, money, and/or fulfillment in your career and life, you can start taking action today by following the steps you’ll learn here.
  • Students will be guided through an evaluation of their current situation and their best options for career change. They’ll gain clear insights into the various logistical, mental, and emotional considerations that go into leaving a job.
  • The course is divided into two main sections: a practical five-step plan for getting to your quitting day and a collection of real-life case studies to provide extra inspiration and motivation.
  • This is NOT a course on the details of starting or growing a business, although it does contain some high-level discussion and guidance. For more help with that topic, see our other Udemy courses Website Copywriting and Blog Post Ideas, and check out the many free resources at



  • Career Change
  • Entrepreneurship Fundamentals
  • Job Search
  • Personal Development






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