Reaching A Critical Mass Of Users In An Online Community

Practical Community Management

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Reaching A Critical Mass Of Users In An Online Community

What You Will Learn!

  • How to seed initial content
  • How to approach writing about the community itself
  • What sources of new users are available for a new online community
  • What to pay attention to when using paid advertisement
  • What to pay attention to when inviting new users personally
  • How to onboard new users
  • How to balance users of different types
  • How to engage new users
  • How to approach moderation of new users’ content


Starting a community is a typical chicken-and-egg problem: A community is successful when there are people who participate in it, but people usually want to participate only in successful communities. The magic of community management is to somehow gather a critical mass of users before the community becomes successful.  In this course, we talk about what it takes to create an influx of users to the site and what you need to do to keep them engaged in the community.

We are going to start the course with a quick recap of the essentials of online community management and then cover the following topics:

  • How to seed initial content

  • How to approach writing about the community itself

  • What sources of new users are available for a new community

  • How advertising works

  • What to advertise

  • What are the key principles of banner advertising

  • What to pay attention to when inviting new users personally

  • How to onboard new users

  • How to balance users of different types

  • How to engage new users

  • How to approach moderation of new users’ content

  • How to understand that it is time to move on

This course will help anyone whose goal is to acquire users to a new community.

Who Should Attend!

  • This learning series is designed for community practitioners of all sorts, starting from community volunteers and up to executives, who are involved in building and running communities on a daily basis and would like to understand the core principle of how online communities work.




