Beyond Sustainability: Redesigning Society

Global Challenges and Purpose Driven Lives

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Beyond Sustainability: Redesigning Society

What You Will Learn!

  • Understand the current state of the world beyond the headlines and how disrupting the narrative can inspire and bring about change.
  • Know what it means to redesign society, and what you and your organisation can do to contribute.
  • Ignite your sense of purpose and align it with your organisation's mission.
  • Our toolkit for redesigning society includes practical frameworks for creating new business models, developing bold strategy and progressive policymaking.


From climate change to pandemics, the world is facing catastrophic risks. Connecting all these risks is our economic model, which has resulted in great strides for humanity but is now endangering people and planet.

At GIFT.ed, we recognise that systemic change is needed. Our content is aimed at helping individuals and organisations confront some of the most pressing questions of our time, from the changing nature of economic growth to the realities of governance in a geopolitically complex 21st century.

This course, in particular, offers an honest understanding of the world we live in, including the existential threats facing humanity, and the societal traumas we have inadvertently created. It provides a deep appreciation of the challenges presented by modern civilisation, and the immense possibilities for change when we recognise and accept the root causes of the crises we face.

What are the greatest challenges of our times, and how do we confront them head-on?

How can societies be redesigned to overcome these challenges we have, and thrive?

How can each of us find purpose in the different spheres of our life, and contribute to redesigning society?

Addressing these and more will help empower you to help solve humanity’s greatest challenges.

Who Should Attend!

  • GIFTed's content aims to provide a baseline understanding of global issues to help professionals think critically about their sense of purpose, the role their organisation plays in society, and how they can contribute to shaping the future in their personal and professional capacities. Our content appeals to different levels, functions and industries, whether they come from the public or private sectors, or civil society organisations, and will be relevant to those who have a minimum of 3 years of professional experience, who are in middle management or whose responsibilities lie between strategy and execution.




