Reiki Level 1 Training Course

Learn how to heal yourself and the world around you.

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Reiki Level 1 Training Course

What You Will Learn!

  • History of Reiki, you'll be taken through the History of Reiki and how it came to be that we are practicing this ancient practice today
  • Self Healing, you'll learn how to work with your own energy within and without your Reiki practice. You'll also gain a deeper understanding of yourself.
  • How to use a pendulum, you'll learn how to use a pendulum and how it can help you in your Reiki sessions
  • Healing Others, you'll learn how to balance chakras, remove energy blocks, administer reiki, ground your clients, set up your own practice and much more.
  • Healing Animals, you'll learn how to work with animals, you'll learn what each chakra represents and how to balance and clear them.
  • Setting up your own Reiki practice, you'll learn what it takes to set up your own Reiki practice and I'll run you through the fundamentals of a reiki session.


This course is the first of 4 courses helping you to take back your power from your town trauma or conditioning. It is also giving you the tools to help others do the same and it is helping you take that step towards financial independence. In this course you will learn how to heal yourself, others, your animal companions and even plants. You will learn the art of self healing, how to balance chakras, how to clear energy blocks, how to use crystals and sound in your practice, you will learn how to recognize imbalances in your own chakras as well as in your animal companions, you will learn how to set up your own reiki practice and much more. All this will also help you take that set toward a healthier more independent you, both physically, financially, emotionally and spiritually. You will also be able to begin to help others do the same.  In this course there are quizzes, videos and assignments to help you learn, ground and integrate all this amazing information so you leave feeling like you've really taken something away from this course. If this sounds like something you've been wanting to do or are being called to step into then this course is definitely the right choice for you.

Who Should Attend!

  • This is the first of four Reiki courses that will help you to awaken the inner healer inside you.
  • This course is designed to help you to take a step towards financial independence.



  • Reiki






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