Real Estate Investing: Remote Investor Incubator E-Course

REMOTE RENTAL LITE: Your Guide in Starting Your Real Estate Investing Journey

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Real Estate Investing: Remote Investor Incubator E-Course

What You Will Learn!

  • Save time in searching for other real estate investment course
  • Gain financial independence
  • Create passive income through real estate investing in the U.S.
  • Demystify false claims about real estate investing
  • Help you achieve early retirement goals
  • Learn long term growth strategy
  • Optimizing investment portfolio


Curated for the remote investor by Lane Kawaoka, an investor who built a $600 million real estate portfolio that started with a single-family home in 2009. All while working the day job as a Civil Engineer.

Lane's mission is to help the hard-working middle-class build real asset portfolios by providing investing education, podcasts, and networking plus access to investment opportunities not offered to the general public.

You can dumpster dive through the plethora of real estate get rich quick websites out there, but this course will provide an indexed road map to introduce concepts in the right, orderly manner for people who want to prudently build wealth.

This 8- modules course is intended for working professionals to reach financial independence, learn real estate investing (out of state) and build a network with other investors (while increasing your net worth).

Save time and know exactly where to invest.

Stop going to data just to give yourself the warmth and fuzzy.

If you have been kicking around the idea of real estate for at least 6 months, don’t delay.

If you have kids and/or a full-time job, it’s a no-brainer.

A passive investor should not be wasting more than 4 hours a week on investing.

Stop trolling internet forums, free Facebook groups, and webinars that turn out to be 95% pitch fest!

To get the good stuff, you have to pay even more.

Usually, something like $25,000 or $40,000 a year (and get your butt on a plane)!

Yes, everything is out there on the internet! That’s what I did that got me to 11-units.

But it took me from 2009 to 2015 to do it.

I wasted the most precious resource of all! Time!

Try not to think of the money-wasting rookie errors we made along the way that slowed our progress.
Act now and make the first step!
Happy learning.

Who Should Attend!

  • For busy working professionals. Beginner Real Estate Investors wanting to create passive income and retire early.
  • Investors who want to diversify and get into real estate investing in the U.S.
  • Struggling real estate investors (with problems in rental property and in project management)



  • Investing
  • Real Estate Investing
  • Retirement Planning
  • Financial Planning






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