Remote Sensing Introductions Practice questions

How much do you know about Remote Sensing?

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Remote Sensing Introductions Practice questions

What You Will Learn!

  • Understand remote sensing history
  • Get to know the fundamentals of remote sensing
  • Study the platforms and instruments used in remote sensing
  • What is Electromagnetic radiations and it s relationship to remote sensing
  • Image classification


This is a series of short tests, testing some basic knowledge about the field of Remote Sensing. In these tests your knowledge about Remote Sensing, its history Geography will be tested. We will cover image classification, image processing, sensors, platforms, electromagnetic radiation and the Electromagnetic spectrum.

Remote Sensing is the observation of the earth surface forms distance whether it is from space or using a drone at a low level. The purpose is to detect and analyse features to understand what is, did and could happen in that specific area.

Different disciplines and fields utilize some aspects of remote sensing to perform their research and day to day tasks. these fields include finance, insurance, environmental studies and more.

Even if you are not directly working in the field of remote sensing you might be giving orders and requests to people who do. Understanding that they do will help you predict the data and information that they need to proved you with the best tools to perform your analysis and planning.

The tests are grouped into broad topics that progress through the normal workflow and thought processes.

I hope this will help you to prepare for tests and to identify some problem areas

Who Should Attend!

  • Beginner remote sensing students
  • Refresher Students



  • GIS
  • Remote Sensing






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