Research From the Start to The End

part of the Big Bang of Data Science

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Research From the Start to The End

What You Will Learn!

  • The philosophy of understanding Research using the TRA
  • Research methodology, paradigms, and philosophical review.
  • Structure of research conduct & the ethical factor
  • Fundamental understanding of research problem, literature review, and writing them
  • Lab_01 implementation: to apply the previous theoretical outlines
  • Understanding theory from subjective and objective views
  • Understanding framework from conceptual and perceptual views
  • Articulating your first research question, ground hypothesis and research design
  • How to- define the space of variables, measuring & evaluating them
  • Create your own research instrument using various tools
  • Comprehensive understanding of research data, its validity and reliability
  • Lab_02 implementation: to apply ALL the previous theoretical outlines


at glance:

This is the first element of the Big Bang of Data Science, -Research from the Start to The End.

I don’t want to stick to that abstract and direct definition from the academic book, on the meaning of research, but from the industrial one. So, I believe RESEARCH is the concertmaster with the highest leadership position among all the other parts that are responsible for the outcome of a product. Research is an art that identifies the identity and confirms the destiny of the product. Put simply, if you have a bad research start, no matter how well and advanced equipped you are, I guarantee your product will be a failure. To this end, the first book is carefully crafted to meet all the requirements to build your product on the right foundation of research method.

competitive advantages:

In this book you will find a few outlines that deliver the competitive advantages.

  1. The first three units present an abstract/academic presentation of research, then in chapter four you have a concrete implementation in the form of lab-discussion. Where the lab is a real-life project. So, you are going to implement what you have learnt in theory.

  2. In chapter six, you are going to learn one of the most important skills that many are unable to do, and that is how to build a research instrument. So, you are going to see the steps on creating your own research instrument to measure the variables of the research features. As an outcome, you will no longer have to rely on copy-paste surveys and similar tools to collect data for the project.

  3. The last chapter is lab-02, where you are going to see the final implementation of research from an industrial perspective. You will see how all the academic information you have learnt by then is going just to be right used on real-life project.

who is this material for?

This book is for anyone, regardless of the educational background, with the interest in building, creating and producing a professional product that has a vision of the future. You don’t have to have specific skill in any way, but extreme enthusiasm to learn how to make the right decision. So, it is meant for an audience of: (1) students, under or postgraduate. (2) scholars, (3) researchers, (4) scientists, (5) executives, (6) managers, (7) professionals, (8) or laypersons.


Research In principle

  1. [✓] The Relevance of Research & Data Science to Task Right Accomplishment [TRA]

  2. [✓] The Philosophy of Descriptive & Inferential

  3. [✓] The Research Conductor & Categories

  4. [✓] Conclusion

Implementation & Approaches to Research

  1. [✓] Research Methodology/paradigms, philosophical review

  2. [✓] Structure of Research Conduct

  3. [✓] Ethical Factor & Research

  4. [✓] Conclusion

Research Topics & Literature Review

  1. [✓] What is the research problem?

  2. [✓] Conduction the Literature Review

  3. [✓] Reviewing & Writing The sources of Literature

  4. [✓] Conclusion


  1. [✓]The story

  2. [✓] The consultancy

  3. [✓] Scientific implementation

Framework & Research Design

  1. [✓] Philosophy of theory

  2. [✓] Philosophy of framework

  3. [✓] Research technical implementation

  4. [✓] Conclusion

Execution of The Research Project

  1. [✓] The Philosophy of Measurement

  2. [✓] Philosophy of Subject

  3. [✓] Research Data

  4. [✓] Writing Formal Research

  5. [✓] Conclusion

LAB-Section –02

  1. [✓] Induct or deduct the research

  2. [✓] What is in the literature review

  3. [✓] Framework implementation

  4. [✓] Articulate research question & hypothesis

  5. [✓] The research design

  6. [✓] Building the research instrument

  7. [✓] Research implementation

Who Should Attend!

  • students- post/undergraduate; scholars, scientists, executives, managers, professionals, and layperson




