Return Cars Back Jobs After Repair

This courses is addressed to the service advisors as well as to the service controller and technicians

Ratings 0.00 / 5.00
Return Cars Back Jobs  After Repair

What You Will Learn!

  • By the end of this course, the trainee will understand meaning of back job.
  • Will understand the company's policy on how to deal with returned cars
  • The trainee will identify the roots & reasons back job after repair.
  • The trainee will identify what can be avoided and what cannot be avoided from the returned cars.
  • The trainee will identify the corrective measures to reduce the percentage of returned cars.


The car returned after repair indicates several aspects that are not in good condition, including the reception engineer’s failure to listen well to the customer when he raises his problem with his car. Also, the reception engineer did not ask questions that lead to knowing the roots of the problem. Also, the writing of the problem may not have been in a correct manner that explains the problem and he did not understand it. technician to perform the repair, This is on the one hand, and on the other hand, one of the reasons for returning the car after repair is the lack of training for technicians to carry out their work to the fullest extent. Then, the lack of the appropriate environment may be a reason for the work not being completed in a satisfactory manner. There are after cases that appear from car problems and disappear from time to time, and there are also parts. Spare parts that do not match or have a discrepancy during installation may be a reason for the car to be returned after repair. There is another reason, which is the customer’s lack of familiarity and lack of information in the correct use of some car devices. All of these factors are the reason for the car to be returned after repair.

Who Should Attend!

  • This course concern all technical staff in the service department




