هنشرح خلال الكورس ده محركين ريندر للريفيت المعماري وهو الانسكيب والفيراي على الاصدارات الاخيره
هنشرح كل الامكانيات الجديده اللي اتضافت فيهم بالتفصيل
vray 6 content
1.-Principles for VRay
2.-The VRay Asset Editor Interface
3.-VRay Frame Buffer
4.-Demonstration of VRay Buffer and Settings
5.-VRay Interactive Render & Render Vision
6.-Introduction To Materials
7.-Setting Materials In SketchUp
8.-Refining The Materials In SketchUp
9.-Applying Grass Materials To Fur Objects
10.-VRay For Revit And Exterior Sun Render
11.-Preparing Your Model
12.-Preparing Materials
13.-Creating New Materials In 2 Ways
14.-Test Render And Updating Lighting
15.-Exporting to VRay Vision and Sun Setup
16.-Loading Into Vision
17.-Exporting Sun Study Animation
18.-View Specific Settings
19.-Exporting Walkthrough Animations
20.-VRay Interactive Render with Sectionbox
21.-Intro to VRay for Rhino
22.-VRay Toolbar in Rhino
23.-VRay Commands In Rhino
24.-Setting Up Model And Lights
25.-Setting Up VRay and Rhino Materials
26.-Adding Ambient Light
27.-Fixing Light Setup
28.-Adding Crowds With VRay Scatter
29.-Refining Scatter With Lighting
30.-Adding People For Scatter
31.-Final Scatter Render
32.-Vision Exporting Executable of Interior
33.-Watching Executable
34.-Exporting to Chaos Cloud Render
35.-Final Cloud Export
36.-Packaging The Project
37.-VRay Contours
Enscape Content
Intro & Interface
Assets & Materials
Rendering Views
Videos & Animations
Advanced Features
هنشرح خلال الكورس ده محركين ريندر للريفيت المعماري وهو الانسكيب والفيراي على الاصدارات الاخيره
هنشرح كل الامكانيات الجديده اللي اتضافت فيهم بالتفصيل