Accredited - Revitalize your Digestive Fire through Yoga

Internationally Accredited Course! Learn to have a strong digestion to get more energy, vitality and happiness!

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Accredited - Revitalize your Digestive Fire through Yoga

What You Will Learn!

  • Fix any gut health issues naturally
  • Easily reduce bloating and gas issues
  • Learn how to access more energy and vitality with a healthy gut
  • Strengthen your digestive fire using natural methods.
  • Eliminate constipation and have regular bowel movements


This Internationally Accredited Course is designed to allow to learn more advanced techniques to master your digestion.

Digestion problems can range from a variety of different issues. This issues can include too much acidity, like acid reflux or heartburn, bloating, gas, diarrhea, constipation, IBS, hemorrhoids, stomachache, ulcers, bad breath and more. The realty, however, is that if you eat in the correct way there should be none of these issues. One should always feel refreshed, slim and energetic after eating and if you are not, it is because you have not digested the food correctly due to Agni.

This course will discuss how you can improve digestion by strengthening the AGNI, or digestive fire. You will learn about different digestive disorders how they affect the overall health of the body.

Poor digestion means less energy, less vitality, bad moods, emotionally and mentally out of balance .... BUT By using proven ancient yogic techniques you will learn how to balance, harmonize and strengthen your digestive system, reducing and eliminating digestive problems.

As a bonus, you will also learn the effects of food in the body, learn how to eat in harmony with our body and learn how to maintain the entire digestive system in a healthy, natural and simple way, which will in turn improve your health in the entire body.

My previous course: "Better Digestion with Yogic Techniques" is a prequel to this Course. If you are new to using Yoga to improve digestion, it can be recommended to start with that course first.

This is an Internationally Accredited Course. Details on how to receive a certificate of completion are provided upon completion of the course.

Who Should Attend!

  • Anyone who wants to balance their digestive system with yoga and natural methods.
  • Anyone who wants to revitalize their digestive system with yoga and natural methods.
  • Anyone interested in the effect of food on the digestive system.



  • Yoga






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