Reviving 100 Sunnah (Prophetic Traditions)

Learn easy 100 Sunnah and maximize your good deeds

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Reviving 100 Sunnah (Prophetic Traditions)

What You Will Learn!

  • Reviving 100 Sunnahs of the prophet Muhammad.
  • Maximize your good deed by practicing these easy Sunan
  • Learn at your comfort from home and at any time
  • Learn forgotten Sunan that you can do daily, weekly, monthly , or yearly
  • Protection from Fitan (trials ) by learning and practice the Sunnah


Assalamu alaikom ,

This is Imam Gomaa , please join me during this course and let us reviving 100 Sunnahs of the prophet Muhammad.

this is a self paced course that you can watch any time and start practicing these Sunans one by one. During this course learners will learn 100 Prophetic traditions related to Friday Prayer, food , eating and drinking, Zikr of Allah, and Sunan of connecting with others.

Topics will be covered such as :-

1- Using Perfume on Friday

2- Coming to the Friday Prayer Early

3- Sending Salams upon the Prophet (صلى الله عليه وسلم) on Friday

4- Bathing on Friday

5- Reading Surah Al-Kahf on Friday

6- Hour of Answer on Friday

7- Optional Prayer on Friday

8- Gathering over Food

9- Saying Bismillah before Eating

10- Eating with Your Right Hand

11- Supplicating after Having Food

12- Asking for Blessings after Eating & Drinking

13- Eating Food that Falls on the Floor

14- Eating Sweets

15- Pausing to Breathe while Drinking

16- Eating Dates before the Eid al-Fitr Prayer

17- Feeding  others

18- Feeding the Fasting

19- Bearing witness of Tawheed

20- Saying Shahada after Wudua

21- The 5 Sunnahs of Adhaan (Calling for the Prayer)

22- Saying after Prayer: Subhunallah, Alhamdullilah and Allah- Akbar

23- Praising Allah and Sending Salam on Prophet before Du’a

and much more

Who Should Attend!

  • This course for any know who wants to learn about the tradition of Prophet Muhammad from authentic sources




