Royalty Accounts
1. Royalty is payable for use of special right.
2. Royalty is payable on the basis of production.
3. Royalty is different from rent.
4. User is called lessee and owner is called landlord.
Meaning of Royalty
Difference between Royalty and Rent
Kinds/ Types of Royalty :
1. Mining Royalty
2. Brick Making royalty
3. Oil well Royalty
4. Patent Royalty
5. Machine royalty
6. Copyright royalty
7. Technical Knowledge Royalty
8. Trade mark royalty
9. Royalty to Foreign company for sale of production.
10. Other Royalty
Important terms :
1. Landlord
2. Lessee
3. Royalty
4. Minimum Rent or Dead Rent
5. Short working : S/W = Minimum rent − Royalty
6. Surplus : Surplus = Royalty − Minimum rent
7. Recouping of short working
Condition of Recouping Short working
Books of Lessee
Calculation Table
Journal Entries in the books of lessee
Minimum Rent in case of strike or Lockout or other reason
Minimum Rent Reduced
Nazrana Account
Minimum Rent Account Method Or Dead Rent Account Method
Journal Entries in the books of Landlord
Meaning of Royalty
Royalty means a special type of rent which shall be received by owner of mines, owner of patent, author of books etc. for transfer of right of extraction of minerals from mine. Right of publishing and sell of books or producing or sell any patented goods etc. An individual, firm or any other institution pays a certain amount as per agreement for acquiring a special right for using other’s property. This amount which is paid as a consideration for the use of special rights is called royalty