SALES LESSONS - from the customers you're selling to

How would your CUSTOMER measure you as a salesperson? Find out what they love and hate about your sales & selling skills

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SALES LESSONS - from the customers you're selling to

What You Will Learn!

  • Understand the customer at every step of the sales process
  • Top up your existing sales skills with insights from buyers
  • How to take into account what the client wants - and needs - when selling to them
  • Appreciate why ever-more 'clever' sales techniques will eventually fail you
  • Discover what customers measure - rather than what sales managers measure!



And there's nothing wrong with sharpening your professional sales skills.  However...

Understandably, salespeople concentrate on the sale.  In terms of their career, promotion prospects, pay packet, and status - the number and value of sales tends to be how salespeople are measured.

But it’s how they’re measured by their sales manager – it’s how they’re measured by their leaders and colleagues… it’s how they are measured INTERNALLY by the Company they work for.

So, this course flips things around. It looks at how your CUSTOMER would measure you as a salesperson. To be honest they don’t care about your sales quota that month. They are entirely disinterested in your promotional prospects and couldn’t give a flying fig about your pay packet!

On completing this course, you will be able to capitalise on your existing sales skills (because I’m assuming you have some already) by understanding at a far deeper level what customers REALLY want from you. And the surprise is that it’s not just the product or service you are actually selling.

This course ‘SALES LESSONS - from the customers you're selling to’ will build on and enhance your existing sales skills. Watch your sales multiply as you start to incorporate what most other salespeople simply fail to consider.

After looking at the problem (from the customer's point of view), the course takes you through the acronym ASK.  This stands for Attract; Serve; Keep - and what the customer needs and wants from you at each stage of the process.

There are a number of handouts and information sheets along the way as you develop your people skills specifically for a sales or SELLING environment.

Check out the free videos - and, if you DO buy and think it's rubbish, remember you can get your money back within 30 days (but it isn't rubbish, I promise!)

Who Should Attend!

  • Existing sales people (whether 'Hunters' or 'Farmers')
  • Those who are thinking of a career in sales
  • Anyone who influences the customer as part of their job



  • Sales Skills






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