What You Will Learn!

  • Understand the main theory of Schema Therapy (Individual Theraphy), how and why Schema Theraphy Works
  • 5 Main Domains of Schema Theraphy and 5 Core Emotional Needs
  • 18 Early Maladaptive Schemas
  • Understand Modes Used in Schema Theraphy
  • Which Psychotheraphy Techniques that Schema Theraphy use


     Schema Theraphy

     Schema therapy is a holistic psychotherapy technique developed by American Psychologist Jeffrey E. Young in the late 1980s to cope with chronic psychological problems. Schemes; directing people's emotions, thoughts and behaviors; patterns of perception, belief and emotion. Generally, schemas are shaped by factors such as people's social relationships, such as their relationships with their families, and their experiences during childhood.

     Through childhood times of neglect or abuse, some vital parts of our perspectives toward ourselves and environment may lack reality or trust. Since childhood experiences are likely to be recognise as life norms you may not be aware of this. You know yourself for years and, change might mean you need to change your character. Although it might seem scary and may urge you to resist, schema therapy tells us this is a part of life and indulges therapists to have patience, warmth and empathy. It would be great if you, who took this course, were able to help yourself with what I explained and the assignments I gave. But if you still have a difficult situation, I want to express that you are not alone. Your pain or frustration are not a sign of weirdness, weakness, worthlessness, hatred, nor failure; rather, it is proof that you are merely a human being just like anybody else.

Who Should Attend!

  • Although it is best suited for clinical psychologist beginners, anyone can understand and use it to improve or make themselves better mentally.




