Personal Productivity Habits

Overcoming Challenges of Modernity

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Personal Productivity Habits

What You Will Learn!

  • What is the difference between productivity and purposeful living.
  • Recognizing toxic productivity and its negative effects.
  • Maximizing Personal Productivity
  • Stress Reduction Techniques
  • Be able to create a personalized Productivity plan.


Modern-day life leaves us stressed and spiritually impoverished. I am sharing the strategies, which I have developed working with clients 1:1 over the years. I have helped students in the past to create personalized plans to overcome procrastination and be productive.

In this course, you will learn the following concepts along with reflective exercises to make a positive change in your life. This course is an 8-9 week journey in which you will learn how to prioritize your life, be spiritually productive avoid burning out and organize your days with confidence to achieve the most.

How do we become productive in our life? We will be discussing the following topics;

  • Difference between toxic productivity and purposeful living.

  • Analyzing productivity through various perspectives.

  • Challenges associated with modernity and modernism.

  • Correlation between happiness and productivity.

  • The soul-centered approach (SCA) to productivity.

  • Implementing techniques into a daily routine to become efficient.

  • Misconceptions regarding productivity.

  • Modernism and stress reduction techniques.

  • After completion of the course, students will be able to create a personalized plan.

This productivity course is designed to increase your personal productivity through practical exercises.  Encouraging self-evaluation and learning stress reduction techniques. At the conclusion of the course, you’ll be able to immediately implement the knowledge received in the course in your daily life.

Information and exercises in the course are applicable to all students and professionals regardless of their personal beliefs.

Who Should Attend!

  • Those who are tired of dealing with toxic productivity and stress in life
  • Students struggling to manage time.
  • Those who wanted to improve quality of life
  • Anyone who wish to be productive.
  • Balancing Life work challenges with effective techniques
  • Professionals who wanted to become effective and efficient



  • Personal Productivity






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