Selenium 4

Understand Selenium 4 with latest changes and different frameworks

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Selenium 4

What You Will Learn!

  • You will get knowledge of selenium web driver and setting up a maven project
  • You will learn multiple types of locator strategies and navigate through web elements
  • You will learn about the new features introduced in Selenium 4
  • You will learn to implement POM, Data Driven testing, and reporting
  • You will learn to integrate automated tests with CI/CD pipeline


This Selenium 4 course will go over the basic selenium topics that you need to learn to implement automation in your project. We will discuss how to : -

Install selenium and start working with selenium webdriver. We will also see understand selenium architecture and how it has changed over the years.

Write and handle different locator techniques like xpath and css selector . We will understand which locator technique should be used in which scenario to get the best out of them. We will also see difference between relative and absolute xpath.

Handle different web page elements like text boxes, radio buttons, tables, alerts and frames. We will also see how to handle mouse and keyboard actions using actions class.

Use synchronization like implicit wait, explicit wait and fluent wait. We will discuss which wait should be used in which scenario as well.

Use new features added in Selenium 4 like relative locators, new way to handle windows and more

Implement different frameworks like TestNG, Page Object Model and Data Driven Framework

Generate reports for your tests to see how many of your test cases passed and how many failed

Integrate your selenium scripts with Github Actions CI/CD tool to get the best benefit for end to end automation testing

There are also assignments attached for each topic. Each assignment will require you to use knowledge from the same topic videos to create a small project from scratch.

Who Should Attend!

  • Selenium is a free (open-source) automated testing framework used to validate web applications across different browsers and platforms. In the course, we will learn about the new features introduced in selenium 4, setting up maven projects, locator strategies, implementing the Page Object Model, a Data-driven approach, and much more.



  • Selenium Testing Framework






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