One of the most demanding tool in the market "Selenium with Python" This course is design for beginners those who are new into automation. Those who are freshers and want to start career in QA automation world. It covers all basic concepts about automation with examples. This course helps freshers to understand about automation. Covers basic concepts with simple examples. It Covers with scratch like what is automation testing. Why Automation?
Course Contents:
1. Introduction
2. Introduction to Automation
3. Selenium Components
4. Selenium IDE
5. Environment Setup
6. Selenium python on Eclipse
7. First script
8. Selenium python with Eclipse
9. Resolve warnings
10. Locators - Name, LinkText, XPath
11. Locators - Partial LinkText
12. Locators - CSS selectors
13. Selector Hub - Add-ons/Plug-ins
14. Synchronization using implicit and explicit wait
15. WebDriver Commands like conditional commands
16. How to check checkboxes, radio buttons, alerts, drop-down
17. How to handle Date picker
18. How to take a screenshot
19 Actions
20.Window handles
21. Tab handles
22. Introduction to Pytest.
Study material to make the learning experience complete
Hands on assignments for thorough understanding of concepts
Study material to make the learning experience complete
Hands on assignments for thorough understanding of concepts
Study material to make the learning experience complete
Hands on assignments for thorough understanding of concepts
All examples are downloadable. Thank you.