Self-Love Mastery

Create unshakable confidence and unconditional love.

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Self-Love Mastery

What You Will Learn!

  • 21 Days of daily videos & tasks to build unconditional love & confidence
  • Create habits and track your progress to see your results
  • Understand and love yourself more than ever before
  • You aren't alone in this process, in this course you'll have an instructor who understands and has proven methods.
  • Worksheets, meditations, and all kinds of goodies.


Prepare yourself to embark on a journey of the heart, spirit, body and mind. Get ready to fully embrace yourself and shift your perception to see though the lens of love. Together we will unpack and implement the strongest methods for self-love to radically change your life forever. This course is priced to reach everyone! So take advantage of it now while this opportunity lasts.

Together we will explore different modalities and methods including, visualization, meditation, worksheets, explore our thinking, journaling... With over 21+ days of content that is easy and fun to digest, several guided meditations, many worksheets and even highly effective custom goal setting formulas we know this will be money very well spent.

You'll be walked through this process gently and before you know it you'll have several new tools in your self-love and confidence toolbox and will move through life with greater ease and greater fulfillment. 

If you have struggled to like yourself and find yourself being critical of your abilities, your actions, or your body... It's time to be kind to you. Becoming your own friend and giving yourself what you need will change everything. So let's get started  and if you could use some help along the way sign up for coaching at-  KadenJames .com

Who Should Attend!

  • Anyone who wants to increase their self-love and confidence
  • Those who want actionable steps to get results




