Sell Business Growth, Not Marketing Tools

Finding a real bottleneck in business, making growth strategy, focusing and growing fast

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Sell Business Growth, Not Marketing Tools

What You Will Learn!

  • You will get a new perspective on your clients
  • You will gain confidence in negotiations. Become a strategic partner to your client
  • You will get a bigger leverage for your marketing services
  • You will achieve bigger goals with your marketing expertise
  • You will bring your clients more value and increase hourly rate for your services
  • You will improve your reputation. Sell more
  • You will grow several times in your personal income


Marketing specialists often run into one of these problems:

  • Doing useless work

    Clients ask for solutions that won't work.
    You have to either turn them down and lose half of incoming clients.
    Or you agree, and then do things that don't bring any real benefit for the client.

  • Low margins

    Agency business does not scale well. You depend a lot on key employees, the sales process often takes months.
    Marketing tools are a commodity. You compete in a red ocean where everybody sells the same thing for cheap.
    Even if you have a big team and a lot of revenue, you don't earn that much profit.

  • Clients don't talk strategy

    Clients don't talk about their high-level business goals, their strategy and the real problem in their business.
    Clients don't show any high-level metrics of their business.
    It's hard to reach the decision maker.

It's not about marketing anymore

Your clients ask you for marketing. But the real problem in their business is often somewhere else:

- Product value: the product sucks, there's no sales

- Sales process: leaky funnel, client loses leads you acquire

- Unit economics: your clients scale losses, not profits

- Management and execution: the client does not do what you planned with them

... and it prevents them from using your marketing services to full potential.

If you want to help your clients grow, you have to look not only at marketing, but at their business as a whole.

You want to look for the most important problem in the company that prevents them from growing x10, becoming a unicorn, or achieving their most ambitious goals.

You diagnose your client's business as a whole, find the bottleneck in their business, and help them fix it.

Here's how it works:

  • You find the bottleneck in your client's business and help the client come up with a plan for fixing it.

  • The client implements the plan.
    If you can help them with your marketing services somewhere down this road, you do this for an additional fee.

  • You get feedback, see what works and what doesn't, fix this bottleneck, and move on to the next one.

The "Sell Business Growth, Not Marketing Tools" course is designed to help you learn how to find a bottleneck in your client's business, focus on it, and sell your clients high-level business results, not just marketing tools.

The course will help you:

  • Get a new perspective on your clients.

    Start to see symptoms in their businesses and discuss them.
    Stop being pissed off about things that used to piss you off about the clients.

  • Gain confidence in negotiations. Become a strategic partner to your client.

    Feel more confident in negotiations because you know exactly what your client needs to reach their business objectives.
    Start to act like a strategic partner, not a minor contractor. Consider yourself not only a craftsman with several marketing tools but also a problem-solver who can fix anybody's business.

  • Bring your clients more value. Achieve bigger goals with your marketing expertise.

    Bring your clients more growth rate, more revenue and profit because you're focused on the bottleneck in their business.
    Reach a bigger leverage for your marketing services. Use your marketing services to full potential. Achieve bigger results with your clients.

  • Improve your reputation. Sell more.

    End up with more successful projects and happier clients, get more new clients from referral.
    Reframe the leads that you would have otherwise turned down. Get a better deal flow and increase the sales volume having the same marketing expenses. Start selling your services with a significantly higher hourly rate.

Who Should Attend!

  • Those who want to bring more value to their clients, to achieve bigger goals with their marketing expertise
  • Those who want to start acting as a strategic partner, not a minor contractor
  • Those who want ti end up with more successful projects and happier clients, get more new clients from referral
  • Those who want to get a better deal flow, increase the sales volume having the same marketing expenses and start selling services with a significantly higher hourly rate




