Sell Digital Downloads on Etsy - SEO, Ads & More (2023)

Set up your Etsy store for success as a Graphic Designer by selling Digital Downloads - GREAT Passive Income Source

Ratings 4.19 / 5.00
Sell Digital Downloads on Etsy - SEO, Ads & More (2023)

What You Will Learn!

  • Step-by-step guide to create your SUCCESSFUL Etsy shop from scratch and sell from your own couch
  • Multiple methods of finding WINNING PRODUCTS & DESIGNS!
  • Do SEO like a PRO with the best tool around and an easy trick to make everything EASY
  • Etsy Ads strategy and how to advertise EFFICIENTLY
  • Learn copyrighting and how to avoid any possible issues
  • Optimal PRICINGS for your products & STRATEGY for an EASY START
  • File formats and what actually SELLS
  • Actual examples that you can use and follow their footprint


NOTE: This course is for those that already know Graphic Design!

If you don't know anything about graphic design, consider learning it through a different course.

This course will focus on showing you how to sell Digital Downloads on Etsy.

>> Learn how to set up a successful Etsy store from scratch by selling Digital Downloads! <<

Are you a graphic designer? Are you a creative individual? Would you like to have a GREAT passive income source?

If your answer is YES, then this is the right platform for you!

No one will ever believe how easy it actually is to start making passive income on Etsy.

This is an amazing opportunity for graphic designers to build a STUNNING Passive Income Source. Why ?

  • This doesn't require a high budget to start as you already have the skills for making the designs

  • You can even make sales through organic traffic without paying for Ads (if your design is in high demand)

  • Built-in advertising platform that is EASY to use

  • Off-site Ads - Automatic Ads done by Etsy for you!

  • You can easily find winning products/designs

  • The easiest platform to learn E-Commerce

  • Long term growth potential

My Journey on Etsy

I've been selling on Etsy since 2019 and I sold both Print on Demand and Digital Downloads and passed 6 figures in revenue in 2021. Etsy became one of my top income sources and I'm really thankful that I was able to find such a great platform with so much potential, but this took a lot of work and many failures along the way.

You have the chance of avoiding the mistakes that I made and CRUSH IT like a PRO!

This course has everything that you need in a SHORT & EFFICIENT format so you can achieve your goals on Etsy!

Who Should Attend!

  • Ideal for Graphic Designers as you can turn this into a SERIOUS passive income source
  • Beginners that use free tools like Canva to make templates and simple designs
  • Everyone that is curious about Etsy and how you can sell Digital Files on the platform



  • Etsy






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