Setting and Sticking to Your Boundaries

Establishing and Maintaining Healthy Boundaries in Work and Life

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Setting and Sticking to Your Boundaries

What You Will Learn!

  • What are boundaries?
  • Tips for setting healthy boundaries
  • Why boundaries are so important for your mental health
  • Setting Boundaries workbook


This course will teach you how to set and maintain/stick to healthy boundaries in your personal and professional life. You will learn:

  • What boundaries are

  • How to set healthy boundaries in both your personal life and your professional life

  • How to stick to those boundaries

  • Why setting boundaries is so important for your mental health

You will then fill out a workbook where you'll set your boundaries and rules for how you're going to maintain them. By the end of this course, you'll feel confident in what your specific boundaries are and you'll have everything you need in place to easily reference them as needed until you have them completely clear and memorized.

You'll also have all of the guidelines set for yourself around how you're going to implement and maintain/stick to your boundaries as well as rules for what happens when someone disrespects any of your boundaries and where to draw the line.

Boundaries are so incredibly important, not just in business but in life in general. If you don't have solid boundaries in place, it can lead to stress, overwhelm, confusion, and more, both for you and the people in your life. Taking this course is a huge step to living life and working on YOUR terms.

Who Should Attend!

  • people pleasers, self employed, freelancers, women, entrepreneurs, small business owners




