Shift Stress to Ease & Flow In Just a Few Minutes

In this course you will learn how to shift anxiety/stress/worry and panic into ease & flow

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Shift Stress to Ease & Flow In Just a Few Minutes

What You Will Learn!

  • Shift from stress to flow
  • mastering our mind & thoughts, emotions, feelings and body
  • connect to the body
  • anchor in the present
  • unlock levels of consciousness


In this course, you will learn how to shift anxiety, stress and panic to ease, peace & flow on the spot. You will experience it while listening to the full course, and will be able to repeat it on your own without the assistance of the video! Our aim is that you grow through and from anxiety & stress to deeper and deeper levels of ease & flow. This is why we created a game, we created a game so that the more you play the more you become your aim (ease & flow).

We created a game so that this journey becomes something that we look forward to, instead of only focusing on the destination, which is always in the future :)

The more we play this game, the more in the present we allow to be!

So are you ready?

Let’s play!

I am Maru and I am the founder of Awakening-Games. Awakening-Games is a consciousness game, that was created so that the more we play, the more we experience shifts, from the inside out :) No matter where we presently are on our healing journey, through Awakening Games we are able to use our outer world as a mirror to guide us, in more depths and discover who we are. If our life is presently not like we expect it to be, we are stuck in the re-verse game.... By playing the game of consciousness, one is able to more and more decode reality, making their whole world their guru! This game was created so that awakening is done fast and with ease... the more we play the faster we learn, the faster we learn the easier it is, the easier it is the more fun we have :)

Who Should Attend!

  • Consciousness
  • Self awareness
  • EQ emotional intelligence
  • Psychology
  • Shift programmings
  • Shift subconscious beliefs
  • Transmutation




