Solid Edge & NX Mold Wizard & NX Sheet Metal (عربي)

Learn Solid Edge Modelling Basics & NX Mold Wizard & NX Sheet Metal (خطوات حقن البلاستيك واعمال الصاج)

Ratings 5.00 / 5.00
Solid Edge & NX Mold Wizard & NX Sheet Metal (عربي)

What You Will Learn!

  • ستتمكن من احتراف عمليات الصاج المختلفه
  • ستتعلم خطوات حقن البلاستيك وعمل الاسطمبات
  • ستتمكن من عمل جزء ثلاثى الابعاد شامل كل التشكيلات المطلوبه
  • After successfully completing this course, you should be able to Set up default standards and creation preferences.
  • After successfully completing this course, you should be able to Use NX Sheet Metal tools to create base features and add more advanced features to them.
  • After successfully completing this course, you should be able to Use the Sketch Task Environment to create and edit profiles for sheet metal parts.
  • After successfully completing this course, you should be able to Edit parametric features.
  • After successfully completing this course, you should be able to use Design Intent to plan and create NX Sheet Metal parts.
  • After this course, you will be able to make injection Mold using NX
  • You will be able to use Solid Edge 2022 CAD for 3D parts & Surfaces.


  • ستتعلم خطوات حقن البلاستيك وعمل الاسطمبات

  • الكورس يقوم بتغطيه خطوات حقن البلاستيك

  • احتراف اعمال الصاج فى خلال ساعتين فقط

  • ستتعرف على كل عمليات الصاج المختلفه

  • بعد الكورس ستتمكن من عمل اى جزء صاج بكل سهوله واحتراف

  • يوجد تطبيقات مختلفه للتعرف على كل عمليات الصاج


  • This course addresses all the tools available in the NX Sheet Metal application for creating machinery, enclosures, brackets, and other parts normally manufactured with a brake press. It shows how to create base features like tabs and contour flanges, and build on them with more advanced features such as gussets and louvers.

  • You will be professional user in NX Sheet Metal after only 2 hrs.!!

  • This Course covers conclusion of All Sheet Metal commands that you will use during your actual work, the idea of this course to provide small course with low price contains NX Sheet Metal Summary.

  • The idea of this course comparing to other courses are, The low price, low no of hrs., after course technical support.

  • This Course is a summary of actual experience in Sheet Metal field, the course has been designed to allow you to use the NX Sheet Metal after only 2 hrs.!

  • After this course, you will be able to use the NX Sheet Metal to do any part o sheet metal.

  • After this course, you will be able to make injection Mold using NX

  • You will be able to use Solid Edge 2022 CAD for 3D parts & Surfaces.


  • يتم تحميل اجزاء للممارسه

  • يحتوى الكورس على تمارين وتطبيقات مختلفه

  • ستتمكن من استخدام البرنامج بعد اول محاضرتين فقط

  • مبدا الكورس انك ستتعلم اكبر قدر من المعلومات فى اقل وقت ممكن

  • سيتم الرد على كل الاسئله الخاصه بالكورس

  • You will download all parts that we used during the course.

  • The implementation of this course is in NX 11 but you will be able to implement using any version.

  • You will be able to use NX Sheet Metal after first Lecture.

  • You will have full technical support .

Who Should Attend!

  • فنى اعمال الصاج
  • مهندس اعمال الصاج
  • Mechanical Engineer related to Sheet Metal Field
  • فني ومهندس حقن البلاستيك



  • Siemens NX






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