Siemens PLC S7 Training

دورة المتحكم الآلى المنطقى المبرمج

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Siemens PLC S7 Training

What You Will Learn!

  • PLC programming
  • Choosing the Right PLC
  • PLC installation, wiring and connection
  • Input & Output device for PLC


The purpose of this course is to cover the essentials you'll need to know to get started with any PLC system.The objective is to guide you about what you need to learn regardless of what PLC system you are working with.
By the end of this course, you'll have a decent idea of what a standard PLC system has to offer in terms of hardware and software and you will be ready to start learning a specific PLC platform.
In this PLC course, the following lessons available:

  • Define the I/O section of the PLC

  • Explain the two categories of I/O

  • Describe discrete I/O modules

  • Explain and differentiate AC and DC discrete input modules

  • Explain and differentiate AC and DC discrete output modules

  • Provide an overview of DC Output modules

  • Outline chassis installation considerations

  • Summarize what comprises the processor unit

  • Explain the main function of the processor

  • Explain a typical processor scan

  • Analyze scan time

  • Provide an overview of the memory section

  • Identify various memory types

  • Specify the need and method for memory expansions

  • Detail the relationship between a logical and a physical address

  • Provide an overview of wiring diagrams and ladder diagrams

  • Explain relay ladder logic

  • Construct a conversion of line diagrams to relay ladder logic

  • Define terms commonly used with a PLC Counter

  • Identify and define the basic PLC Counters

  • Compare the differences between an Up-Counter and Down-Counter

  • Explain the Advantages of utilizing a PLC Counter

  • Explain the purpose of a PLC Counter

  • Provide examples of how the PLC Counters are integrated into process control and automated control systems

  • Define terms commonly used with a PLC Timer

  • Identify and define the basic PLC Timers

  • Compare the differences between a TON and a TOF PLC Timers

  • Explain the Advantages of utilizing a PLC Timer

  • Explain the purpose of a PLC Timer

  • Provide examples of how the PLC Timers are integrated into process control and automated control systems

Who Should Attend!

  • PLC Programmers
  • Electrical Engineers
  • Electrical Technicians
  • Production & Maintenance Engineers



  • Siemens SIMATIC






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