If you look a industry ; you can see everywhere VFD sysems. So we must know , how controlled vfd systems.
we will control Sinamics V20 VFD systems with S7 1200 PLCs
Every VFD systems are have own parameter list. We will check basic parameter list for V20.
VFD systems can contol :
1- Operator panel on vfd systems
2- Terminal on vfd systems (analog-digital input and output)
3-Communication (USS,Modbus,Profinet,Profibus etc)
We will use 1 and 2.
We will do examples using real equipment.
Equipment list :
1-S7 1214 CPU
2-KTP 400 HMI
3-Sinamics V20 VFD
4-AC Motor
5-Encoder 100 puls
6-Wincc Scada V13
We will realize the connection between the PLC and VFD. we will control motor using analog and digital inputs-outputs
All operations will perform with touch screen operator panel.
Motor rotation information, we will take a look at the encoder.
We will start to use wincc scada software.
We finish our course revise all our knowledge.
We must learn to operate the system with simple signals.Then we can use more complex signals.Like commincations.