Are you controlling your mind? Let's see. Don't think of an elephant. Okay, maybe that caught you unaware so I'll give you another go. Now you are prepared, ready, you are the master of you're thoughts. Don't think of an orange.We could play this all day. Our minds race ahead to find solutions, we crave questions to answer. What color is the elephant. You answered that too didn't you?
Understanding and using, these simple mechanical principals opens doors to personal mastery, that you may previously have believed was available only to Monks and Yogi's.
95% of our reactions to life happen in this way, that is a way that is triggered by a stimulus. Like the question, your mechanical mind is set in motion and your conscious mind has very little or no control over the process.
You see we are habits, a big fleshy bag of programs, these habits are virtually impossible to remove, but surprisingly easy to replace.
That is what The P.R.T Method does.
We have developed system that is so beautifully simple and effective that is works for everyone who uses it, regardless of education or social background.
It is never what a person says that offends us, it is our interpretation of what they say. How our mind processes it, so while we cannot change the information that we are receiving, we can change how it is processed instantly, and live free of excessive emotional responses to people to ourselves and to the world around us
Try it out. Find a person who speaks a language that you do not, ask them to hurl insults at you, guess what, you wont feel a thing.
The words have no power over us until we assign our own understanding and importance to them.
Join the growing Tribe who have earned the key-ring, and now live with a clearer understanding of emotions and have a powerful and simple system that allows them to be in control of mood swings, negative thinking, fear, anger, stress, anxiety and know how to build deeper and stronger relationships.
The one that says
P.R.T, Has set me free.