SL Hunting- The Advance Trading Course

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SL Hunting- The Advance Trading Course

What You Will Learn!

  • Sl Hunting
  • What is liquidity
  • How to find "Stop Loss" on charts.
  • How to take entry using "SL Hunting" Module
  • Top 10% Trader Strategy


SL Hunting- The Advance Trading Course

Stop-loss hunting in the stock market refers to a practice where large investors or institutions intentionally drive the price of a stock down to trigger stop-loss orders set by individual traders. A stop-loss order is a predetermined price at which a trader has instructed their broker to sell a stock to limit potential losses.

In simpler terms, imagine you own a stock, and to protect yourself from big losses, you set a stop-loss order at a certain price. If the stock price falls to that level, your shares automatically get sold. Stop-loss hunting occurs when big players deliberately push the stock price down, hitting the stop-loss levels of many small investors. This can cause these small investors to sell their shares at a lower price than they would have liked, allowing the larger players to buy them at a discount.

It's like a strategic move by big players to take advantage of the panic selling triggered by these automatic stop-loss orders, giving them an opportunity to buy stocks at a lower price. Keep in mind that while stop-loss hunting is a concept talked about, proving such manipulation can be challenging, and market movements can have various reasons.

Who Should Attend!

  • Who want to become Top 10% Trader




