Udemy's "Smart Tips" is the ultimate micro-learning series. Short, standalone lectures let you learn new skills at your own pace, anytime, anywhere. Find what you need, when you need it. Elevate your learning with Smart Tips!
In our world today, the situations we are navigating are increasingly complex and we need tools and practices that can help leaders adapt to situations we’ve never faced before.
This course will prepare you to face down a brand new challenge that scares you with confidence and ease - perhaps it’s a new company you're building, a team you're leading, or even a new life transition that asks you to navigate uncharted territory. Whether you think of yourself as a leader or not, this course is for you. If you are a busy professional who knows that your job -- and your career -- depend on you being able to lead confidently through tricky challenges and inspire others to follow, then this user-friendly, engaging course is for you.
Welcome to Smart Tips: Leadership! In this course I’ll provide short lectures to help you do something new - fast, so that you can immediately apply it to your work or life. The videos in this course are standalone. That means you don’t have to watch in any particular order. Each lecture is short and focused, so if you’re searching for a specific skill or topic that’s relevant for you, take a look through the tips to find the knowledge you need when you need it.
I created this practical Udemy course for you—filled with my unique insights from coaching leaders at Fortune 500 companies, nonprofits and government agencies around the world for over 10 years. This course is packed with the most practical, real world tools and tips requested by my clients again and again, and it’s built specifically to demystify leadership and get you leading more confidently today.
I truly believe that anyone can be a leader and have a bigger, better impact at work and life -- as long as you know a few key tools and tricks. Think of this course like your leadership cliff’s notes, condensing hundreds of books on leadership into the most essential, high-impact tips you can use immediately. This course is built specifically for any professional in any industry at any level who wants to get targeted, quick, practical help to lead with confidence in a variety of situations.
Oh and did I mention that we laugh a lot in this course? Failure requires a sense of humor, and if we’re not having fun while we’re practicing, it’s not working.
In this course, we will cover:
How to investigate and communicate about your purpose
Getting clear about your core values
Overcoming old patterns of self-sabotage that get in the way of confidence
Prioritizing powerfully to take control of your calendar
Leading with curiosity and asking great questions
Dreaming and scheming with your team
Navigating conflict and giving effective feedback
Building trust at work and using the relationship bank account
Setting boundaries and applying radical self-care
Delivering acknowledgment and appreciations
Getting comfortable asking for help
Clearing assumptions to develop deeper working relationships
Asking for what you want and deliver clear nos
Creating and executing with less effort
Each section deepens your ability to lead in new situations: First, you will learn how to resource yourself by understanding who you are at your core - from your fear, to your self-sabotaging behavior, to your personal leadership vision and purpose. Then we will look at how you lead from and with others: The skills of deep listening and curiosity, conflict resolution, boundary setting, and trust-building. And finally we will look at how you make a bigger impact on the world, the people and organizations you lead: Leading to inspire teams, navigating burnout, switch to be situationally adaptive, asking for help, and inspire others to move towards a bigger vision.
All of these skills help you lead through uncharted waters and unknown territory with energy and confidence.
So what are you waiting for? Jump in today to see how even one of these tips can change your life, giving you a competitive leadership edge to help you advance in your job and career. I’m thrilled to help guide you as you expand your leadership skills.