SOLIDWORKS PDM API for absolute absolute beginners (VBA)

Learn the basics of the SOLIDWORKS PDM API.

Ratings 4.18 / 5.00
SOLIDWORKS PDM API for absolute absolute beginners (VBA)

What You Will Learn!

  • Learn how to login to the vault using the IEdmVault5 interface
  • Learn how to use the iterator pattern to traverse the vault folder structure
  • Check files in and out using the LockFile and UnlockFile methods
  • Read and edit datacard variables using the IEdmEnumeratorVariable5


The SOLIDWORKS PDM Professional Application Programming Interface (API) is a programming interface to SOLIDWORKS PDM Professional, which allows you to automate and customize SOLIDWORKS PDM Professional. The API contains functions that you can call from Visual Basic for Applications (VBA). These functions provide direct access to the SOLIDWORKS PDM Professional environment.

This course will teach the most common basic functions of the SOLIDWORKS PDM API. It will cover topics such as logging into the vault, locating files, traversing the folder structure using the iterator pattern, checking files and out of the vault, and reading and editing datacard variables using the IEnumeratorVariable5. All of the code examples are going to be written in VBA and executed in the SOLIDWORKS Visual Basic Editor.

The course does NOT cover advanced topics such add-ins, task add-ins, batch objects, and other interfaces of the SOLIDWORKS PDM API.

It requires that you have a decent knowledge of VBA and have access to SOLIDWORKS 3D and a SOLIDWORKS PDM professional vault.

The knowledge acquired in this course can be utilized to automate basic tasks in SOLIDWORKS PDM API, modify the SOLIDWORKS PDM task advanced scripting section, and even write tools to batch process files in PDM from a VBA macro.

Who Should Attend!

  • SOLIDWORKS PDM administrators, SOLIDWORKS designers




