Solution Engineers Must Earn Trust

The First Object of a Solution Engineer Is to Establish Trust

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Solution Engineers Must Earn Trust

What You Will Learn!

  • Master the skills of solution engineering
  • Earn the trust of your customers
  • Leverage the advantage solution engineers have when establishing trust
  • Understand the types of trust and why they are important
  • Earn trust quickly and convincingly


Without a customer's trust the solution engineer has nothing. It turns out, solution engineers are uniquely qualified to earn and keep trust. All solution engineers need to make trust their top priority.

Technical professionals are frequently sought to meet with clients as resources to answer difficult questions. Sales representative and solution engineers frequently function as if the SE is a technical backup, the person to whom hard questions can be deflected. The SE is an appendix or addendum to the sales effort. Unfortunately, this approach is common but denies the potential power of great solution engineering.

The objective of the great solution engineer goes far beyond questions and answers. The objective of the SE is three-fold, it is to establish trust, determine mutual vision, and ensure delivery. SEs should answer questions when appropriate, but their objectives go far beyond that. The true objectives are trust, vision, and delivery.

This course explores the first objective of all solution engineering, establishing trust. The course covers the benefits of trust and why SEs are uniquely positioned to obtain trust. It explores the SE's advantage in establishing trust and the types of trust that they must pursue. Finally, the course explains how SEs earn trust and keep it.

Who Should Attend!

  • Technical professionals who meet with customers or support their sales colleagues



  • Career Development






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