Create a Spring Boot Restful web app with Java 11 and Maven

Build a Spring Boot microservice

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Create a Spring Boot Restful web app with Java 11 and Maven

What You Will Learn!

  • Learn how to create a RESTful Spring Boot maven web app, using the Intellij IDE
  • 1-2h time investment
  • Learn how to use the debugger to identify application errors, and to harness insights about the app's status during runtime
  • Lean how to test a RESTful api using insomnia API


In this course, we will put together a Spring Boot RESTful web app and test it. We explore inversion of control through inline and constructor dependency injection and controllers, services, and how to implement persistence and execute queries using Spring Data JPA. We will test the app using the insomnia API client. Also, we emphasize and go through the correct use of the debugger. The IDE we are going to use is Intellij IDEA. Also, we provide the appropriate guidance for utilizing the maven build management tool. Finally, we use version control to commit and push the project to a GitHub repository. First, we will look at how to install Java, maven, and the Intellij IDE in our system. Then we will generate a Spring Boot app with the help of the Spring initializr web app and open it inside Intellij.

After explaining the role of maven and the pom.xml file for the application and how to add dependencies, we will start putting together a project that follows the model view controller architectural paradigm. After we create our first controller class and endpoint controller method and test it, we will create a service class within which we will move any application logic and then implement persistence with Spring Data JPA. Also, we are going to talk about the Lombok and Javax libraries.

Who Should Attend!

  • For anyone interested in getting started with Spring Boot and they want to learn the structure of a microservice like Spring Boot RESTful web app



  • Apache Maven
  • Java
  • Spring Boot
  • RESTful Web Services






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