Just released by Manifold Software Limited - SQL for ArcGIS Pro! This new add-in for ArcGIS Pro now allows you to perform full SQL processing on Esri geodatabases. That means for the first time selects, updates, inserts, joins, aggregate queries, spatial SQL, and other SQL functionality now apply to Esri geodatabases. And if that isn't enough, the SQL for ArcGIS Pro Add-In is fully parallel, meaning if you have the cores on your computer, SQL for ArcGIS Pro will use it - with no restrictions or additional costs to use the massive number of cores typically found on gaming PCs.
Like my other video training, SQL for ArcGIS Pro for Esri Users is a full video course, equivalent to two days of training. In this course you'll learn to use basic and advanced SQL to explore, analyze, edit, and update Esri geodatabases using the new SQL for ArcGIS Pro Add-In. You'll learn how to write SQL queries, integrate spatial concepts, and pull in data sources from other technologies within a common application that works directly with ArcGIS Pro.
If you are an Esri professional, you likely know how to perform GIS analysis within the Esri GUI, and may even be skilled with Model Builder and Python. But, if you haven't been exposed to SQL, you'll gain so much knowledge about the power that SQL offers to GIS professionals.
The course will cover:
an overview of SQL
traditional SQL queries
spatial SQL for vector geometry
advanced concepts in SQL
and numerous real life scenarios to demonstrate how SQL for ArcGIS can be used within your current Esri environment.
Important note: The SQL for ArcGIS Pro module is sold by Manifold Software Limited. It is a low-cost Windows-based application. But, it is not free. However, you can download the Manifold GIS Free Viewer and make use of almost all of the functionality in SQL for ArcGIS Pro. The only limitations of using the free viewer include having to import the geodatabase yourself into the Manifold GUI, no ability to save or print out your results, and you can't update Esri geodatabases. However, this is an excellent way to test out the SQL queries in SQL for ArcGIS Pro without having to pay anything.