Steel Structure Design for Oil and Gas Plant

Design of pipe rack , workshops and steel deck under vibrating machine

Ratings 3.50 / 5.00
Steel Structure Design for Oil and Gas Plant

What You Will Learn!

  • How to deisgn piperack
  • To design the pipe rack for different loads like wind load
  • To designa steel deck under vibtrating loads
  • Full example to design crane tranck girder
  • Different between AISC and BS in design
  • How to design different steel members


This course is illustarating the ways of design the steel structure  as per ASD and guide for LRFD in industrial project like piperack, workshop and others. The design of tension, compression member, beam, and beam column with the connections. The wind bracing design is discussed.  It is cover the anchor bolt and base plate design. For industrial structure a session about the pipe rack how to calculate  wind and seismic for piperack. There are a session about the dynamic analysis and present the design for steel deck under vibrating machines with example which is traditional case in most industrial projects.

There are many example and excersise during the course. The course outline as follow:

-Designn concept and overview about ASD , LRFD and AISC and BS

-Different steel structure systems

-Loads calculation (dead load, live load, wind, seismic)

-Loads calculation on piperack as per ASEC

-tension and compression member design with example

-Beam design with example

-Example of piperack design under wind load

-Example for design a crane track girder

-Example od deck under vibrating equioment

-Beam column design with example

-Dynamic analyis and example of steel deck under vibrating machine

-Wind bracing system

-Lateral torsion buckling and column buckling will be illustrated in a separate sessions

-Connection design with example

-Anchor bolt and base plate design

The course materials have a steel members from American and european table and the student should solve the example with both section and send for discussion.

Who Should Attend!

  • The begginer and the high level



  • Structural Design






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